
What do you do with a great book review?

As a writer, I value all reviews and appreciate the time that a reader has taken, first to read my book and then to spend time writing, then posting a review on Amazon, Goodreads, Bookbub or anywhere else.  So, what do you do with a great review?   Here are a few thoughts. 1.        Say thank you. 2.        Mention it and copy and paste it to your social media, with a link to buy the book. 3.        Add it to your website, with a link to buy the book. 4.        Make a video of yourself reading the review and post it on Youtube, Instagram and TikTok, with a link to buy the book.  5.        If the review is big enough, use it as a blog , which is exactly what I am doing here. I recently asked for people to read a free PDF version of my novel , ‘The Invasion of the MIMICS.’   If you would like a copy just email me here...

Where is Your Website? - Ideas to be better seen.

Do you have a website?   How often are you asked this?  Do you ever ask it of others?  A contact in America recently asked if she could stock my books in, supposedly 4 shops.  I sent her all of my info and asked her for her website, she didn’t have one and said she has physical shops.  Really? Many people now regard having a website as ‘doing it right, in a professional manner’ so we need to make sure that we invest into our websites.   I always say that a website is like a shop window, it needs to be visually attractive and convey your message quickly.   It is now said that the online attention of the average person is 8.25 seconds , so make the most of that time. If your shop window isn’t right, people will drift on past your shop.   Marketeers use techniques to make you find, stop, stay and shop , so how does your window, your website manage to do this?   Can you remember the day that your website first went live?   Did you sho...

How do you cope with disappointment?

We are all different and cope with disappointment in different ways and if we are honest, we all face disappointment at times in our lives, such as: > The ‘A’ grade student who gains a ‘B’ in their exam may feel that they could have done better and they start to chastise themselves.   >  The author who slaves away over a manuscript, only to face rejection after rejection from publishers. >  The couple who are desperate to have a baby, IVF has failed several times and they have been told that there is no hope. I try not to ever give up, to always have hope and to remain positive, but it only takes one piece of straw to break the camel’s back. I waited for three years on the transplant list for a new kidney.  During that time, I was called four times, only to be stood down and faced extreme disappointment.  Eventually, on my fifth call, the operation went ahead and I was given a kidney from someone that had just died.  I had the joy of that s...

Are You in the CLEAN-UP CREW?

Kanye West (, says, “We came into a broken world and we are the clean-up crew . We all go through some form of brokenness at some point in our lives and we will all respond differently.  Death is the obvious brokenness and we will all face it, ultimately our own, but prior to that, the death of those that we know.  Some struggle to recover from grief, but as Christians, as the clean-up crew , we can do whatever we can do to support. I have many creative friends who tell me that it is because of their brokenness that they are creative.  They use creativity to channel their pain, their hurts, and their loss.  They do this, in the hope that their creations will bring comfort to themselves and others.  This is the reason why I create, to impact lives and bring about change.  To bring change is the role of the clean-up crew. As an author, a poet, and a film producer, I want every book, every poem, and every film to bring change....

Do You Want FAME?

I spent over 30 years of my life working in charity (and still do some).  I was a Youth Worker and one of the founders of a great youth charity in Stroud, Gloucestershire.  As a result of my work, many years ago, the charity’s Patron suggested that he should nominate me for an OBE.  As the Patron was a Lord, I knew that there would be a good chance of success, but I turned him down, saying, “I don’t need that.” Looking back, I now say that, “I didn’t want that”, you see our minds can change, I now realise that fame can be useful.   Years later, someone else suggested that they nominate me for the same award and I thought to myself, “That would be nice.”  As far as I’m aware, he didn’t do as he said, and I was a little disappointed.  Now, when the new year honours are announced, I think to myself, “That could have been me.” I used to believe that if we received our thanks on earth then we wouldn’t have any in heaven.  So, what made me change? ...

Journey into the UNKNOWN?

Photo: Chris Buckwald - Amongst other things, I am an author and a film producer.  I use those skills to communicate a message, a story, or share some information.  You will not be at all surprised to hear then, that I love watching films and that one of my favourite scenes is from, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.  Towards the end of the film, Indiana (the hero) has to step off of a cliff edge into a ravine.  He has to take a huge step off faith and following his father’s instruction, that is what he does.  He steps, yet does not fall.  As he changes his perspective, the previously invisible bridge is now seen, stretching out across the perilous ravine. As we all start a new year, for many, we may feel like Indiana Jones as we step out into the unknown.  The last two years of pandemic have brought so much uncertainty for so many and as humans, we need a balance between certainty and uncertainty.  We can all make plans for the year...

What is your LEGACY?

St. Paul's Cathedral by Roman Fox - Unsplash We all leave something behind when we die and this is referred to as our LEGACY.   Some of us may have received comments about the LEGACY that we leave behind, especially if you are perceived as doing something great.  Edward Jenner left his LEGACY of the Smallpox vaccination, which has helped to create the Covid vaccine.  Christopher Wren and Isambard Kingdom Brunel left historic landmarks of architecture and engineering. Just over 30 years ago myself and a friend set up a local youth charity, called ‘The Door’.  I grew the charity, developed it, pioneered some remarkable projects and rose from a humble volunteer to a humble CEO.  When I left there, seven years ago, I lost count of the number of times people told me that I have left a fantastic LEGACY.   I remember, in my mind, questioning, “Have I?” As soon as I left, I said, “It’s not my LEGACY now, it belongs to those that come after me.”  What I now ...